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BioWiki - das Wiki für Biokunststoffe. Alle Infos rund um Nachhaltigkeit, technische Eigenschaften und den Einsatz in hoch regulierten Anwendungen.

Medical & Regulatory Affairs

Medical products that could be made out of bioplastics.

Circular Economy in Healthcare

In this article, we look at how to generate value streams from hospital waste and recycle it into the production of new medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging. In short: how the circular economy succeeds in healthcare.

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MedEco Medical Grade Compounds für Spritzen

Recycled Medical Grade

Plastics have been an essential part of medical technology for decades. In order to secure medical care for mankind, the material must therefore be handled in a sustainable manner. One option: Recycling! But can recyclates be used in medical technology?

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Steril verpackte Medizinprodukte

Sterile medical devices and sterile barrier made of (bio-)plastics

A sterile barrier packaging made of plastic ensures that medical devices such as needles or surgical instruments remain germ-free for a long time. Only in this way can they be used safely. What sterility is, why we need it and whether bioplastics are suitable as a sterile barrier is summarized in this article by BIOVOX expert Maria Heckel.

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