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Regulation & Compliance

Through our involvement in committees and industry groups, we are actively involved in shaping upcoming requirements and standards and are always informed.
We continuously align all our activities with security and reliability to support your business operations smoothly.
TÜV Zertifikat ISO 13485
"You take care of your core business - and we take care of safety, quality & regulation. Thanks to our industry expertise and active participation in committees, we are always informed about changes and even actively participate in shaping them. Combined with our understanding of your needs, this makes us a reliable partner for the transition to sustainable materials."
Maria Heckel
Medical Device Regulation & Quality

The best time to switch is now

Discover the benefits of MedEco for your company and work with us on an innovative and future-proof material that pays off across the board:

Known from


Bioplastic pellets

Julian Lotz reports in an interview with K-MAG how BIOVOX manages to meet the high medical demands with bioplastics.

>>Interview with K-MAG


Biokunststoff Herstellung

Medizin&Technik magazine interview with Julian Lotz about biobased solutions for many plastic problems.

>>Interview with Medizin&Technik


Team Bild BIOVOX Co-Gründer Experten für nachhaltigen Kunststoff für medizinische Anwendungen

The international edition of CHEManager writes about our challenging applications.

>>BIOVOX in CHEManager


Frankfurter Rundschau

BIOVOX impressed in the finals and was voted "Frankfurt Forward Start-up of the Year 2023."

>>Read more

Where would you like to go next?

More bioplastics knowledge?

Discover the expertise of our bioplastics experts in our #BioWiki or download our complete bioplastics compendium >>Click here .

BIOVOX Biokunststoffe für Medizintechnik, Pharma, Lebensmittel und Kosmetik

The future of plastics

Plastics are an indispensable part of the modern world. At the same time, we face the challenge of minimizing their ecological footprint and finding innovative solutions for the future. In this article, we look at the environmental impact, critical ingredients and the possibility of a climate-neutral circular economy based on renewable resources.

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Medical products that could be made out of bioplastics.

Circular Economy in Healthcare

In this article, we look at how to generate value streams from hospital waste and recycle it into the production of new medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging. In short: how the circular economy succeeds in healthcare.

Read more

Book a consultation!

Together, we take a look at how to pragmatically and easily become greener in your application, and what sustainability potential you can leverage with us.

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Book an appointment directly to our calendar.

We will discuss your case and answer any questions you may have.

Alternatively send us an email or call us:

Download: The BIOVOX Compendium BE GREEN.
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